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No Licence Information error

If you’re here you probably got an error message when you were using The Copyright Hub’s plug-in to try to identify a piece of content on the internet.

When you use our plug-in it tries to find an identifier attached to the piece of content. If it finds one it will “resolve” it – work out which server on the internet it should send your enquiry to. When this happens you’ll see a response from that server – a pop-up window, for example, with licence options inside or maybe some contact details.
If the plug-in doesn't find an identifier it will try some other ways to identify the content. It might check some content recognition systems, for example. If that works you’ll end up seeing the same response from a server, it just might take a little longer.
But if nothing works you’ll get the error message which sent you to this page.
For now, it’s a pretty common error. We have just launched, and so not much content has the right identifiers quite yet. But it’s increasing every day and as it becomes more commonplace our system will become more and more useful.
You can help, by attaching identifiers to your own content, spreading the word and encouraging others to engage with us. We’re not for profit and open source, we want to enable better functioning copyright for the benefit of the creators and users rather than ourselves.
To find out more, have a look around this website or click here to go to our supporters site, called Copyright Done Right, and get involved.
Just by using our plug-in you’re helping build our success. Sorry it didn’t work for you this time but thanks for your support and keep trying because it will keep getting better.